GPT and AI at UH

As AI and GPT technologies advance and become more ubiquitous, below are some considerations for use with your students. These recommendations are not exhaustive, and we welcome your feedback if there is an application we did not touch on. Please contact

Getting Started with AI/GPT Technology in the Classroom

1. Understand the technology: Familiarize yourself with the concepts and capabilities of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models and AI (Artificial Intelligence). Learn about their applications, strengths, and limitations to make informed decisions regarding their usage.

2. Identify appropriate use cases: Determine specific areas where GPT/AI can enhance teaching, research, or administrative tasks. Consider tasks such as content generation, data analysis, student support, and resource management that can benefit from AI technologies.

3. Evaluate reliability and accuracy: While GPT/AI can provide valuable insights, be aware that it may occasionally generate inaccurate or biased information. Thoroughly assess and validate the outputs to ensure reliability and accuracy before incorporating them into your work.

4. Promote academic integrity: Emphasize to students the importance of academic integrity and discourage them from relying solely on AI-generated content for their assignments or exams. Clearly communicate the boundaries and guidelines for using GPT/AI tools to avoid compromising academic honesty.

5. Provide context and guidance: When introducing AI-generated content or discussions to students, provide appropriate context and guidelines. Help them understand the role of GPT/AI as a tool and encourage critical thinking to analyze and evaluate the information it generates.

6. Collaborate with AI: Consider involving students in collaborative projects that utilize GPT/AI technologies. This fosters an environment where they can actively learn and contribute to the development and responsible use of AI while gaining practical experience.

7. Privacy and data protection: Ensure that any personal or sensitive information shared during AI interactions complies with privacy regulations. Implement necessary measures to protect data and inform students about how their information is being used.

8. Ethical considerations: Discuss ethical implications and challenges associated with AI technologies, such as privacy, fairness, transparency, and bias. Encourage discussions that explore the societal impact of AI and foster a deeper understanding of responsible AI usage.

9. Stay updated: Keep abreast of advancements, research, and guidelines in the field of AI. Regularly review best practices and ethical frameworks to align your usage of GPT/AI with current standards.

10. Seek professional development opportunities: Participate in workshops, webinars, or training sessions focused on GPT/AI usage in education. These opportunities can help you expand your knowledge, develop new skills, and network with other faculty members interested in AI integration.

11. Share experiences and collaborate: Engage in discussions with other faculty members, either within your institution or through professional networks, to share experiences, challenges, and successful implementations of GPT/AI in educational settings. Collaboration can lead to valuable insights and innovative approaches.

12. Encourage responsible AI use: Educate students and colleagues about responsible AI usage, promoting ethical considerations, critical thinking, and responsible decision-making. Empower them to use AI tools responsibly and contribute to the ethical advancement of AI in education.


Activities to Try

Faculty can incorporate the use of GPT/AI in course assignments in various ways. Here are some ideas on how to do so:

1. Content generation: Assign students to use GPT/AI to generate written content related to the course material. For example, they can use the model to draft essays, create fictional narratives, or write summaries of research papers. Encourage them to critically analyze and refine the generated content to enhance their understanding and writing skills.

2. Data analysis: If the course involves data analysis, students can utilize GPT/AI to analyze and interpret datasets. They can use the model to generate insights, predictions, or visualizations based on the data provided. This can deepen their understanding of data analysis techniques and facilitate exploratory data exploration.

3. Research assistance: GPT/AI can serve as a research assistant for students. Assign them tasks where they utilize the model to gather relevant information, summarize research articles, or generate literature reviews. This can help students efficiently navigate through vast amounts of information and strengthen their research skills.

4. Problem-solving scenarios: Create problem-solving scenarios where students need to interact with GPT/AI to find solutions. For instance, they can develop conversational agents or chatbots using GPT/AI to address specific challenges or simulate real-world interactions. This exercise encourages creativity, critical thinking, and familiarity with AI applications.

5. Debates and discussions: Organize debates or discussions on the ethical implications of GPT/AI usage in various domains. Assign students to take different perspectives and argue for or against the responsible implementation of AI technologies. This promotes critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and awareness of the societal impact of AI.

6. Natural Language Processing (NLP) projects: NLP projects can be assigned to students, where they work with GPT/AI to develop language-related applications. They can create chatbots, sentiment analysis tools, language translation systems, or text summarization algorithms. This hands-on experience enhances their understanding of NLP concepts and the practical application of AI.

7. Virtual teaching assistants: Encourage students to develop virtual teaching assistants powered by GPT/AI. They can create AI-based teaching avatars or chatbots that assist in answering common student questions, provide study resources, or offer personalized learning recommendations. This exercise combines technical skills with pedagogical considerations.

8. Creative projects: Assign students to utilize GPT/AI for creative projects. They can develop AI-generated artwork, poetry, music compositions, or storytelling experiences. This allows students to explore the intersection of AI and creative expression, fostering interdisciplinary learning and innovation.

Remember to provide clear guidelines and expectations for using GPT/AI in assignments, including responsible AI usage, critical evaluation of outputs, and the importance of integrating human input and interpretation. Assess and evaluate student work based on their understanding of the underlying concepts, their ability to critically analyze the outputs generated by GPT/AI, and their overall engagement with the assignment objectives.