TP8: How to Create PowerPoint Polling in Mac


  1. In TurningPoint 8 dashboard, click PowerPoint Polling.
  2. From the TP 8 toolbar, click New to select a question type.
  3. Select the questions region and type question.
  4. Select the answer region and enter the answers.
  5. Under Scoring Options, select the correct option and TP 8 will automatically label others as Incorrect.
  6. Under Scoring Options, assign Correct and Incorrect point value in the Slide Preferences Window
  7. Repeat Steps 1 to 6 insert additional slide. When finished, select File >Save to save the presentation.

Note 1: DO NOT copy this slide and reinsert  it in your presentation. Each slide has a unique identifier to allow proper unload of gathered responses. Coping and pasting slides will cause the results to be inaccurate.

Note 2:  Once you have the basic in place, you can recorder slides, apply fonts and color schemes, shrink or expand the graphs, teste and images just you in PPT.  Be sure to edit all polling question slides in TP 8 only.

This image is for the tutorial, steps 1 thru 7.