How to Generate Transcript for Video Uploaded to OneDrive

After uploading a video file to UH OneDrive or SharePoint, you want to add a transcript before sharing this video with students.  Therefore, your videos are accessible to all students.

Note:  Only users with edit access can see this video setting and turn features on or off

  1. Locate a video file in the web version of UH OneDrive or SharePoint.
  2. Click the video name.
  3. Select Video settings in the top right corner of your video.
  4. In “Video settings” panel, toggle on Transcripts and Captions.
  5. Click Generate button to generate and turn features on or off.
    Note: The time to generate a transcript varies based on the video length.
  6. Click Refresh button to check if it’s finished.
  7. After the transcript/captions are generated, you will see the transcript icon in the top right corner of your video.
    Note: When students play the video with transcript/captions, they will see the CC button in the play menu.


This image is for the tutorial steps 2-3.
This image is for the tutorial steps 4-6.
This image is for the tutorial step 7.

CC button on a OneDrive video